Monday 11 June 2012

Is porn really dead?

Watching Louis Theroux's documentary on the decline of the porn industry, it was clear that the Internet and free availability of free porn was at the root.  The days of porn movies being the sacred find in your dads top draw are long over.  The mystery of porn has vanished at the click of a button, with anything you wish to view being a matter of keyboard taps away.

Piracy is a problem in all media sectors, porn especially, given its nature, as people are less likely to feel comfortable walking into a shop and buying such movies.  The problem will no doubt only worsen as time goes on.  As it stands, there is at least one generation of people still alive who wouldn't have a clue about where to begin the piracy process.  But as that generation passes on, it will leave behind a computer savvy population, resulting in a further decline in media sales.  The porn industry will need to evolve at a much faster pace if it wants to continue to financially support its workers.  As the amateur market explodes, the 'professional' porn stars find it harder and harder to earn money.

The truth of the matter is that porn will not ever die out, it will just evolve.  Who knows what porn will look like in another 50 years time.

At least adult sex toys can not be pirated or copied.  Jolly Rabbit stocks thousands of sex toy products and they can all be found at

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